Well firstly my camera had been knocked out of auto focus at the Barnes and Noble gig, so nearly all the photos were fuzzy and the Hotel Cafe gig was so dark that I could not get any decent photos. That's the problem when flash photography is banned. So all in all from a photo point of view, a bit disappointing. The other problem was at Hollywood Bowl where there were notices everywhere stating no camera allowed, so I left mine in the car and then discover no one takes any notice of the notices as there were cameras flashing away all evening. So the best photo of the B&N gig is of Pete and Rachel and the best one at Hotel Cafe is of Mikey. Apologies for the quality. Mikey was great at Hotel Cafe, he really shone. I didn't think too much of Billy Corgan, but I do not know his music. I'm tired and jetlagged, so that's it for now.
This is Foy Vance and me. He is one really nice guy, with an incredible voice. I saw this guy and thought 'That's Bill Curbishley' anyway I went up to him and asked 'Are you Bill Curbishley' and he said 'Yes' so I asked 'Can I have my photo taken with you'? He replied 'Why do you want it' So I laughed 'Because I do, I've been a Who fan for years and years etc. etc. He then turned to me and said ' Are you a Policeman?'. I replied no and the result is the photo on the left. He's a nice guy and has managed The Who since 1973. He is in some of the backstage clips on Squeezebox at www.thewhotour.com
From top to bottom - Pete and me - Dave of Oceanside and me - Two lovelies, Rachel and Charlottte (Psychedelic Butterfly) - Pete with his Ukelele. Ross Halfin ahs some excellent photos of The Who etc. on his site www.rosshalfin.co.uk
Isn't she lovely!!! This is Rachel and me just before we ran away together to a life of happiness, singing and beautiful piano playing. OK wishful thinking on my part. This is my biggest smile ever. I have left the menacing Mark Squires in the background (Pete positioned him there to make sure Rach and me behaved) just to give the photo an edge. He's a nice bloke actually.
Many of the photos I shot at Joes Pub are slightly blurred so I shall only post the good ones. Also some of the photos will not upload and have an error message. Anyway here is a few more. Martha Wainwright looking at Rachel, Foy Vance and Pete and Pete smiling at Rachel. Unfortunately, due to where I was sitting, Rachel had her back to me so I have not any good shots of her. I will post a few more photos tomorrow with some of some Bloggers.
Arrived back into the UK this morning and went to work so I'm flagging now. Here is the first of a series of photos from the Joes Pub gig. The top one is of Rachel, Pete, Martha and Foy. The show was excellent and there were lots of Bloggers in attendance. The second photo is of Pete with Sarah Beth. The third of Ronzi and someone I was introduced to but cannot remember their name (sorry). Mark Squires, Petes ADC is on the right. I spoke with him briefly and he is a really nice guy. More photos tomorrow.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
The Who - Mirror door
Found this on You Tube. A delightful look in to The Attic with the lovely Rachel, Mikey and Pete acting silly to Mirror Door. Mikey does a great job on drums!
Pete Townshend - In The Ether
I sat through two hours of crap poetry at the Albert Hall to see Rachel and Pete perform this. At first I thought what's all this about, but I really like it now.
The problem with Blogging is that sometimes it's a job to know what to post. Had a busy weekend last weekend. A round trip to Sheringham on the North Norfolk coast on Sunday (350miles round trip) and as it was a Bank Holiday in the UK had Monday off and went to see my poor old Mum and then down to Brighton to see a friend in hospital. Whilst in Sheringham I purchased a print of the boating lake by Brian Lewis who is a very well know painter in the area. He has a website www.art-e-mail.com with his other work on. Here is the print I bought with a photo of the boating lake which gets very busy on a Sunday morning with old men, enthusiasts, kids etc. playing with their boats.
Well yesterday evening was somewhat stressfull. Had tickets to see The Vibrants in Putney and also trying to get tickets for the Joes Pub gig. Anyway, ended up just getting into the venue just as Sam was playing the first chord. In the rush I forgot to take my camera but met up with Sam for a quick chat after. I cannot understand why this band have not yet been signed to a label. Sam seems to think they will get signed up in Canada. A few new songs have been added since I last saw them and I believe that they are quite an exceptional band. Here's a link to their site if you have not heard of them. www.thevibrants.com
Did the lights on Friday night for a charity gig at a local pub, The Rose and Crown. Approximately 200 people attended and it was in aid of Breakthough for Cancer Research. Two bands played, Angst and The Bite. I sang Run To The Hills with Angst and the night was a great success as it raised over £1,500 for the charity. With the later opening hours for pubs in the U.K. by the time we had packed up it was well past one o'clock when we got home and of course we then have to have a cup of tea, so it was two o'clock before we got into bed. Here are some photos. One of the pub and a couple of action shots of Angst (one with Jez who used to play with Rottweiler guesting on guitar).
We all forget the men behind the scenes at The Who shows, not that I know many of them. Here is a couple of photos of them. The guy with the guitar is Alan Rogan Petes guitar tech. The other is Bobby Pridden who has been sound man for The Who for ever. Bobby got quite a few shouts from the fans at Beaulieu.
Don't really know what to say really. The Who are just awesome. The crowd at Hyde Park were really in the mood for singing along and we were about 150-200 feet from the stage. Beulieu was great as after standing in the que for ages got to be just three from the front. Over the two days it was great to meet at Hyde Park Marietta, Blue and her friend. Blue had flown in from Tokyo just for the show, at Beulieu I met Delbut, Gary and Melissa and that lovely Mikey bloke and a few of the ITA behind the scene guys including Justin, who was very helpful explaing my feed problem. Enough waffling, let's get some photos up. All photos taken at Beulieu. If anyone reading this was at the gig and heard someone shout 'Go on Si' to Simon Townshend just before Sex Change and he looked up and smiled, it was me!!
Here's a few more photos from the Brighton gig, including Petes Airstream. Saw Pete going to it but I was not quick enough for a photo. Ross Halfin has nothing to worry about.
Just got in from the gig in Brighton. Here is a couple of photos. Casbah Club and The Who were fantastic. Rock photographer Ross Halfin was snapping away in the pit. His photos will be better than mine!
The guitars are tuned and I'm ready for the call from Pete, if Simon or Pete himself needs a couple of nights off from the tour. I've been practising like mad and can comfortably play Kumbayah. Just hope they have it in their new set!!!
The Who hit the road on Saturday for a fifteen month world tour and not just The Who but the In The Attic roadshow as well. An enormous amount of money will be raised for charity ( it is expected to be in the region of $10,000,000). Petes Double O charity will benefit and also The Teenage Cancer Trust, the Michael J Fox Foundation (Parkinson’s Research), the Andre Agassi Charitable Foundation (for underprivileged children), the Robin Hood Foundation (which funds and supports innovative poverty-fighting organizations in New York City) are amongst some of the organisations which will all benefit from special Who shows in the coming year and beyond. My Father died with Parkinsons so this is of particular interest as is The Teenage Cancer Trust not for any personal reason, just that the principle of it is spot on. So who will win the smashed guitar table? Me I hope. Here is the link to new Who website and also where ITA will be webcast. www.thewholive.tv
I've tried posting a short clip of video from Casbah Clubs Southend gig but the lip sync on You Tube was not good. I wanted to post something, so here's a couple of photos I took at the Biggin Hill Air Show. Biggin Hill was an airdrome used extensively in the second world war. They have an air show every year and I went last Saturday. Jill was buried with work so I went on my own and got sunburnt as it was very hot. The fighter is a Typhoon.
Hi to everyone, friend and fellow Blogger Gary Stockton has produced another lovely song, dedicated to his Father and has called it Bermondsey. The photo is of Gary and here is the link to IAC where you can enjoy it. http://iacmusic.com/songs.aspx?SongID=24335&ArtistID=28606