Well firstly my camera had been knocked out of auto focus at the Barnes and Noble gig, so nearly all the photos were fuzzy and the Hotel Cafe gig was so dark that I could not get any decent photos. That's the problem when flash photography is banned. So all in all from a photo point of view, a bit disappointing. The other problem was at Hollywood Bowl where there were notices everywhere stating no camera allowed, so I left mine in the car and then discover no one takes any notice of the notices as there were cameras flashing away all evening. So the best photo of the B&N gig is of Pete and Rachel and the best one at Hotel Cafe is of Mikey. Apologies for the quality. Mikey was great at Hotel Cafe, he really shone. I didn't think too much of Billy Corgan, but I do not know his music. I'm tired and jetlagged, so that's it for now.