Saturday, November 10, 2007

Gary Stockton -I Never Wanted To Say Goodbye

This song is by my great friend Gary Stockton and is Number One in the IAC chart. Play it, It's great!!!


elena said...

Hi Mark,

It's a really nice song, Gary rocks!!
Thanks for sharing your adventure at the London Premier of Amazing Journey, great photos!


Suesjoy said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and Jill!
I can't get YouTube, but I will check out Gary's song. (I think I did already, but I can't remember the name of it!).
I told Gary that if/when he puts out a cd I will buy a bunch!

Loved your Amazing Journey post! Excellent photos. You forgot to take one of Uncle Delbut though! :(
Funny red carpet moment!!!

Take care,