The weekend so far has been excellent. Went to see Zero Stars on Friday evening. It was only their second gig but they were very good. Will see them again when they next gig. The photo of them was taken on my mobile phone, so once again not very good quality. The other photo is of two boys busking in Brighton. They were playing The Kinks number 'Sunny Afternoon'. The guitarist wants to get enough money to buy an amp. He is only nine. A star in the making! Highlight of the weekend was a chat with Molly (BallerinaGurl) on the phone. What a lovely lady!!! You rock Molly!!
Hey Mark,
I just posted my last thingy and boy am I excited or what.
In brief: I'm going to Amsterdam for four days. I won't go into details, you can read the rest on my blog.
I haven't smoked and I feel fab.
I have a no-smoking blog, more like a journal for me, but if everything goes well, it might be an inspiration for others who try to quit (RF-hint, hint!)http://quiiiiit.blogspot.com/
Your comments are always a pleasure to read and so is your blog. Man, for you it's bands, bands, bands isn't it?
The little boy from Brighton is so cute, I hope a producer sees him and snatches him. I am very sensitive as drummers go, I have a thing, re:Keith Moon, Glen Burke, Zak Starkey et.c.
My love to you and Jill,
Good morning Mark,
Thought I should stop by and say hello. Been pretty busy here.
Yea, Molly is a genuine lady for certain.
My regards to Jill.
Peace, love and light to you and yours.
Awww you are such a great guy! LOVED our little chat! Major highlight was Jill on the line too!
Both are quality! Love you both!!
-Miss M.
Thanks for your wishes Mark.
My wishes to you and Jill for a peaceful evening as I unplug and disconnect.
See ya from Amsterdam.
Love from the new healthier me,
Hey, well done on getting the guitar and amp, you won't regret it. Did you get a chord book? I'd recommend that, and a song book, learn some chords for your first song and practice practice practice. Excellent!!
Put up a photo of your guitar.
I'm here!
Isn't technology (when it works) fantastic?
This wireless thingy works even better than my DSL connection at home!
I'm having a great time, I have big plans for tomorrow and lots to do and see.
The language is hilarious. I can't understand a word, thank God everybody - and I mean EVERYBODY - speaks fluent English...
Everything is cheap and people are very kind.
More details on my both my blogs with pics and all.
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