Left to right - Me, Koos, Jim, Debby C
Stephanie, Gary, Jillytee, Marietta.

I do not know how to describe the experience of Basement Jam. This post would be full of repeated adjectives if I tried. There we are, about one hundred and twenty of us, mostly Bloggers, sitting in Oceanic Studios waiting for an intimate show to begin. Other Bloggers have described the event elsewhere (Garys, Mariettas and Jillytees Blogs) so I will just describe the special 'to me ' bits and post some photos. I met Mikey and Rene again and they are a fantastic couple. Mikey is such fun and did an excellent set, he also signed my photo of him that I bought from photographer Cat Stevens. I prefer Mikey to Foy Vance. I don't know why, but I do. Mikeys great!! Simon stormed through his set. Rachel , as normal , was perfect. Pete, well, what can I say. Well that's the short version of BJ. It was all a million times better than my description, just fantastically incredible. So I met Mikey and Rene, Simon T and now for the very special bit, not that Mikey and Rene and Simon aren't special, 'cos they are, very. But this next bit was surreal. During a break I am walking past Rachel and she is talking to Marietta. Jill is behind me and I hear Rachel mentioning smoking, so I say something like ' you must give it up Rachel' and Rachel says that she is going to see Alan Carr on Tuesday. We speak a little more as we walk along the corridor. Rachel leads us into a production room. Matt Kent is sitting to my left. Others are sitting around. In front of me in the middle of the room is, well it's him isn't it, Pete, the man whose music has been my inspiration in life for the past forty years. Now I am in dreamland, I take a couple of paces and say' Hi Pete, I'm Mark'. 'Hi Mark' he replies. I introduce him to Jill. Ask for a photo with him and he suggests I take one later on. 'Come this way Bloggers' says Rachel. We go through a door up the stairs (they are very steep) and there we are In The Attic. By this time, I'm thinking F**k me!! This can't be real!! We chat with Rachel, who is adorable, and after a few minutes she says we best get back to our seats as the show is about to start again and she needs a wee!! Down the stairs, holding onto the handrail, past Pete and into the corridor. How I got along the corridor with the widest grin in the world on my face I don't know. After the show I chat with Rene and she tells me they are driving back to Southend that night. I buy Simons CD and shake his hand and have a quick chat. After a couple of false starts I get my photo taken with Rachel (WOW!!!). I give Mikey and Rene a hug goodbye. We say goodbye to everyone and drop two americans Debby (Debby C) and Jim to Heathrow and drive home. Finally, I'd like to say Hi to all the Bloggers I met, especially Gary and Stephanie, Marietta, Debby and Jim, Koos, Delbut and lots more whose names I forget. And lastly a BIG thank you to Rachel, Pete, Mikey, Rene, Simon, Foy, Rachels band and all the production crew for a truly wonderful evening. Thanks!!!!! PS I said at the beginning of the year that it was my ambition to shake Petes hand before the end of the year. Idid it!!! Next year my ambition will be to have my photo taken with him as I didn't get it this time.
I slept at 4am and tonight I came home from work and had a nap, I am so tired, I'm going to blog for a while and then go to sleep.
Read your post with tears in my eyes, as Ultravox used to say...
It was so magical, like a fairy tale, a dream...
Rachel, Pete, the music, the Attic, Simon and Mikey and Rene!
So glad we met properly and talked. Oh, Mark, your jokes...erm, LOL!
I hope we meet again soon to a similar event!
Lovely Pics and review is fantastic! Thanks so much Mark! Like I told Jill...I will come over for the next one. And looks like I might make it on April 10th (My birthday) as my dearest Charlotte is visiting me from March 20th - April 9th. Perhaps go back to Denmark with her then over to London and other places..etc.! Will hope for a show sometime then!
Hi Mark
Great story. I was sat just behind you on the raised area. Pete was stood only a few feet away from me at one point and I lost all feeling in my legs - just didn't have the nerve to jump in and just say hi - daft really but I was also respectful of his space.
How great to see the Attic and yes, Rachel was really nice. I had a nice chat with Simon and Mikey though which was good - and Bobby Pridden which was cool!
See you around
Steve H
This is a great story, cheers for sharing it mate- great photos as well. I too had a moment with Pete as he left, he signed an old who book i had, he looked a bit pissed off by that time, tired i guess- Anyway great night or what?
Hi Mark - It was so lovely to meet you and Jill. We had so much fun with everyone. It was as much fun being with everyone prior to the show. Jim and I both wanted to thank you and Jill for your generosity taking us back to the hotel. When you and Jill come back to the States please let us know. We really would like the both of you to come stay with us and we would love to show you the sites. Thanks again!
God damn!! Great story mark. I was on Garys Blog and it looked like you all had a great time. Next time I told Gary we will make a trip and all go out. I knew I should have made a vacation out of it. Im glad you got to fullfill your wish. Mine is the same, I had several opertunities though but didn't act. I told Sully my Dad said "Its not being in the right place at the right time", "Its knowing when your there" and I missed those, but not now. Im sure your smile was as wide as the Thames.....michael :)
Hey Mark, it was great to see you and Jill on Sunday, and thanks for buyiny a CD, really glad you enjoyed the evening,it was magical, and thanks for the best review I've ever had, your a star mate, cheers. Great pictures by the way.
Hope to see you both soon, take care mate.
Thanks for the great review. It was close to being there for me.
I have more to say, but i am a bit sad. i missed bj live. now i just realized i will not be home for xmas special. i have my "seat" & everything. but i a
have theater tickets with my husband & kids.
oh the child inside me is weeping!
if you come to see an event in nyc, i hope we all can meet!
will be here for xmas special.
I just caught the pic of all the bloggers at the pub...looks like fun. Next time I will be there!
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