It's been ages since my last post. Been busy doing this and that. The sad news is that my Mother died three days before Christmas. Her quality of life was not good in the year leading up to her death, so she is in a better place now.
Anyway, the show must go on as the saying goes. 2006 was a great year for many many reasons. I will have to wait and see if 2007 is better. Started off the year by going to three Pantomines, which is a British tradition around Christmas time. Jill used to be involved in the theatre and has dressed many Panto Dames in her time. My latest quest is to have my photo taken with the British comedian Rik Mayall, plans are well under way and this should happen by the end of the month.
I have no New Year resolutions, I never keep them so why bother!! But I do wish everyone that reads this Blog a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year and hope that 2007 is good for you. I've just got my Mothers funeral at the end of this week to deal with and then it will be full steam ahead. Here is a fun photo I took of Jill and Steph (Gary Stocktons lovely wife) at Disneyland.
My dear Mark,
My deepest sympathy for your loss. My thoughts are with you.
I hope this year will be a good one for you and Jill, honestly all my best wishes to both of you.
Me again...
Changing the subject;
Ok, you made my heart jump! Rik is my favourite comedian, if not British person, after Pete, Roger, et al. Are you going to the New Statesman? When I was a student in Leeds I used to stay up late to watch NS videos every night. So, if you're going I'd love to tag along and get my pic with Rik as well!!! Let me know, email, blog, text, fax et.c....
Much love to you and Jilly, the photo is so fantastic!
I'm so sorry to hear about your mum. Sincere condolences to you.
I know tha this past year was one of great travels and adventures for you and Jill, and I wish you both the best for 1007.
Dear Mark,
I am very sorry for your loss.
I know how you feel.
My mum passed away 3 days before Christmas 2 years ago...
I had a lousy Christmas actually. I miss her terribly. It's so hard.
I agree that she is in a better place though...
I really hope 2007 gets better for both you and Jill.
Enjoy the Pantos!
You guys are lucky with your cool traditions! We miss out on all that fun stuff here!
Hang in there.
I will say a prayer for you and your mum too.
Take care,
Hi Mark, I am really sorry to hear about your Mum passing away, I hope your ok mate. Please take care and have a wonderful 2007.
I will try and arrange some gig's in the near future as I don't think I'll be following the Who on the next leg.
I love pantomime, and used to appear in them as a child, my sister has worked as a wardrobe mistress for a few large panto's but she said it was loads of hard work. Take care mate.
Hi Mark
I read about your mum's passing on Mikey's blog so just wanted to say how sorry I am to hear your news.
Take care and besr wishes for 2007
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