Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Birthday Boy

Yes, another year passes by. I still think as if I'm about thirty years old. Time just flashes by as one gets older. I have a theory that age is like a rollercoaster. On the way to forty it's like going up the rollercoaster to the first drop and once past forty it just flashes by so quickly, to the time the coaster comes to rest. But the main thing is to have as much fun as possible before it stops. Well that's enough of the philosophy. Time to enjoy the day. Hope that you all have a good day. Will let you know what I did later.


Debby said...

Happy belated birthday - I hope you had a great one and many many more to come!

Fleur de Bee said...

I tried to find you a birthday bit to post here but I am clueless when it comes to the html in blogger! So you this will just have to do:

Fleur de Bee said...

oops your ecard number is: 01391881919797

I could have just emailed it to you but wanted others to have a giggle too!


neilbymouth said...

totally agree with this mate and isnt it bloody terrifying! belated happy birthday