Monday, April 09, 2007

Ross Halfin

I have been a fan of Ross Halfins diary for ages. Ross is famous for his rock photography and travels extensively to shoot his subjects. I find his diary entertaining and he writes virtually daily. So when I saw him at the Teenage Cancer Trust show shooting The Who I thought I would take a few shots of him in action. You will find his website at
Ross getting a shot of PT
Ross and his assistant Kazuyo
Ross and an attractive photographer
Checking the shot
I think he's seen me!!!


Suesjoy said...

Cool pics Mark!
I read Ross' blog awhile back - I need to check it out again.
Thanks for sharing.
Hi to Jill!

Gary said...

Hi Mark, pretty cool.

I'm not a fan of his diary entries, but am a fan of his photography.

Did he post your photos on his web site?

Have been working on songs, and the project progresses. Although, got called away for part of the day so I feel like not much was accomplished. Oh well.

lryicsgrl said...

Hi Mark.....

Fabulous shots! I found them on Ross's site. I was thrilled that he mentioned you! I do like Ross's site, very much. I find him to be extremely dry, (the way humour should be), and very down to earth.

Take care Mark.....

Nuno Lourenço said...

Nice blog Mark, and like to see the "master" Ross in action thank you.
If you have time invite you to see thanks.

lryicsgrl said...

Oh I do hope Bowie will take a cue from Pete, and perform in small, intimate venues....they aren't nearly as hazardous to the health of a rock, it is never too late....I pray!

Gary said...

Hi Mark,
I'm getting emails bounced from your blueyonder email address. Trying to email you copy of the song. I shall wait to hear from you and send you link to download it from my web site. It came out great.