Just got back from The Bedford. What a fantastic night. Words can't describe it.
Met Mikey and Rene. A really lovely couple. Had problems with my camera.
Wrong setting to start with and then the battery went and the spares I took were the
wrong ones. Three photos for you. One of Rachel with Mikey,
One of Mikey and Rene, Mikey and me. I'm off to bed
Will post a few more tomorrow.
Lucky Man
A great day for bloggers around the world.
Nice pics,Mark!
Love the pics! Thanks for Posting!! Gald you had fun. Maybe we will see you and meet at their next gig!
Take care,
Great to see you Mark, I love the photo's and really glad you had a great time, so good to put a name to a face as well. Appreciate your support Mark, and I just noticed that you put me down on your favorite music, love it mate, thankyou very much. Tatoo I'll think about, nice one mate.Give my best to Jill as well.
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