I'm sad today as I am changing my car tomorrow (Saturday). I have had it for just over three and a half years and have travelled seventy thousand miles in it. I have had lots of fun in it and will miss it terribly, but have to save money. So I am downsizing and getting something less flash and cheaper. This is a photo of it outside my office taken Friday 28 Oct..
Hey Msrk,
Geez what a shame to get rid of such a nice ride. They kind of become part of us don't they. My ex-wife left me a couple of years ago and took my BMW and I really miss her. My Beamer that is! smile.
Yea it is a little harder to burn the candle these days for sure.
I have been, along with my Entertainment business and my music, renovating a house for a friend. I almost forgot what it was like to do manual labor. Wearin' me out it is. Only another month or so and I can get back to my regular 12 hour days. Hehehe. Hmmmmm.
Sure hope you and Jill are having a wonderful week end.
Peace, love and light.
Wow I am tired. Typo! Mark......
Hi Mark, thank you so much for pointing me to Ross Halfin's web site and those terrific pics of Roger and Pete, I think this should all but confirm that something is brewing for the new year for The Oo.
Sorry to hear about the car. I recently got a Vespa of all things because gasoline here has been so expensive, actually leveling off around $2.75 a gal, that, and I never quite outgrew being a mod... he he. So, my car is parked in the garage mostly during the week. I know I shouldn't complain about the fuel cost knowing what you are being charged in the UK. I was spending $400 every 3 mos, and now its around $138 for 3 months, so, I've been saving a bit of money riding the scooter and car insurance dropped since it is in the garage. The weather stays fair mostly, and on days when its wet I drive. There are a lot of people getting rid of their sport utility vehicles because of the gas cost and going with more economical cars, a smart move if you ask me.
So you work at Gatwick huh. One of my favorite tv shows is a program called Airport. I believe it is filmed at Luton, and it shows irate travelers arguing with gate staff. They have an American version shot in LA, but I like the one from the UK better.
Did I tell you I once played football for a team called Crawley Raiders.. It was when I was really young, and I think we practiced in Crawley, can't be sure.
Thanks again, and good luck with your new car.
Lovely car, but I'm sure you'll get to love the new one as well.
Thanks for the Ross Haflin link, they are very good photos, and thanks for mentioning the new Keith book, it's already in my shopping cart, together with my new WHO DVD!
Kisses to Jill,
Hey Mark,
Just cruising and thought I'd gave you a shout.
Peace love and light to you and yours.
Thanks Mark,
Just can't let her go can you?
I believe it's more a question of stamina rather than energy. Just go for it until you fall down I say. And, anything to keep from getting a real job. smile. You know? It helps keep me young also.
Peace, love and light to you and yours.
Too bad about your car. Just be sure to wear your sunglasses and hair gelled as you did in this car and no one will notice. In fact you might get more wistles!
Just love Jill. hers is the first blog I check daily! She is a gem! You are sure lucky! See at the chat!!
Enjoyed your blog. Buy that guitar soon. It will transform you. There will be more cars to come mate.
Hi Mate! The weather here is supposed to be sunny and warm, but we have some cool winds, which makes for a swurvy ride during lunch.
So you must have been in LA on route to Las Vegas, a more fun location in my opinion. Universal is an interesting, yet exhausting exhibit. We took the niece and nephews there for a day a year or so ago... never again.. The Mummy was interesting ride though.
The most interesting exhibit I've ever been to as a tourist is Paul Allen's Experience Music Project in Seattle, they have all kinds of memorabilia since rock around the clock. Lots of guitars, clothes etc. The most interesting part was the rooms where you could go in and get trained how to play drums. All multimedia. If you are ever out in Seattle it is a must.
Hope things work out with the auto.
Yeah, I agree. Rene said something about it on her blog. I commented to her because I didn't know how to comment to Mikey.
Will be tuned in at the orible old office tomorrow...
Well off to bed. It is supposed to snow here. I am just waiting for my songs to upload on my MP3 for the gym tomorrow. Looking forward to chatting again!
Still can't let her go can you?
Did you get the new car?
Had an excellent day riding. Fall colors everywhere here in Western Maryland. Home safe. Thank you.
Peace, love and light to you and yours
Cool Mark. Can't wait to see it.
A plan is good.
Peace, love and light to you and Jill.
Hey Mark,
Thanks for going to my friend Beverly's showing. Were there many people there? Great picture Jill put up.
Where's the new car?
I put up two pictures from our bike ride.
Thanks again. You guys are fantastic!
Peace, love and light to you and yours.
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