Hi and welcome to my Blog. My name is Mark and I'm not perfect. In fact some people have told me I'm imperfect.
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Happy Christmas Bloggers
Guess what arrived via the postman today? Our tickets for Basement Jam!! They were posted on November 24 and have taken a month to reach us. Must have got lost 'In The Ether' . Have a great Christmas everyone! Enjoy yourselves, don't overdo it and spare a thought for those less fortunate. Have fun!!
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Spooky Photo

I took these photos whilst at a friends wedding reception about eighteen months ago. Opposite where the reception was being held was a circus. I was taking some photos of the big top when I noticed the moon behind the clouds. I thought it would make an interesting photo. I aimed the camera and just as I did I saw what appears to be a face. It lasted a second and it was gone. Spooky!!
Friday, December 09, 2005
The Vibrants @ The Pleasure Unit

Another excellent set from The Vibrants!! These guys are going places! The Pleasure Unit is not a patch on The Halfmoon in Putney as a venue, but it doesn't matter if you have The Vibrants to watch. Met the band members after and they are really nice guys. Here are a few photos of the guys in action. Their EP is available on www.thevibrants.com Buy it!!!
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Basement Jam (Part Two)
Monday, December 05, 2005
Basement Jam - An Incredible Experience

Left to right - Me, Koos, Jim, Debby C
Stephanie, Gary, Jillytee, Marietta.

I do not know how to describe the experience of Basement Jam. This post would be full of repeated adjectives if I tried. There we are, about one hundred and twenty of us, mostly Bloggers, sitting in Oceanic Studios waiting for an intimate show to begin. Other Bloggers have described the event elsewhere (Garys, Mariettas and Jillytees Blogs) so I will just describe the special 'to me ' bits and post some photos. I met Mikey and Rene again and they are a fantastic couple. Mikey is such fun and did an excellent set, he also signed my photo of him that I bought from photographer Cat Stevens. I prefer Mikey to Foy Vance. I don't know why, but I do. Mikeys great!! Simon stormed through his set. Rachel , as normal , was perfect. Pete, well, what can I say. Well that's the short version of BJ. It was all a million times better than my description, just fantastically incredible. So I met Mikey and Rene, Simon T and now for the very special bit, not that Mikey and Rene and Simon aren't special, 'cos they are, very. But this next bit was surreal. During a break I am walking past Rachel and she is talking to Marietta. Jill is behind me and I hear Rachel mentioning smoking, so I say something like ' you must give it up Rachel' and Rachel says that she is going to see Alan Carr on Tuesday. We speak a little more as we walk along the corridor. Rachel leads us into a production room. Matt Kent is sitting to my left. Others are sitting around. In front of me in the middle of the room is, well it's him isn't it, Pete, the man whose music has been my inspiration in life for the past forty years. Now I am in dreamland, I take a couple of paces and say' Hi Pete, I'm Mark'. 'Hi Mark' he replies. I introduce him to Jill. Ask for a photo with him and he suggests I take one later on. 'Come this way Bloggers' says Rachel. We go through a door up the stairs (they are very steep) and there we are In The Attic. By this time, I'm thinking F**k me!! This can't be real!! We chat with Rachel, who is adorable, and after a few minutes she says we best get back to our seats as the show is about to start again and she needs a wee!! Down the stairs, holding onto the handrail, past Pete and into the corridor. How I got along the corridor with the widest grin in the world on my face I don't know. After the show I chat with Rene and she tells me they are driving back to Southend that night. I buy Simons CD and shake his hand and have a quick chat. After a couple of false starts I get my photo taken with Rachel (WOW!!!). I give Mikey and Rene a hug goodbye. We say goodbye to everyone and drop two americans Debby (Debby C) and Jim to Heathrow and drive home. Finally, I'd like to say Hi to all the Bloggers I met, especially Gary and Stephanie, Marietta, Debby and Jim, Koos, Delbut and lots more whose names I forget. And lastly a BIG thank you to Rachel, Pete, Mikey, Rene, Simon, Foy, Rachels band and all the production crew for a truly wonderful evening. Thanks!!!!! PS I said at the beginning of the year that it was my ambition to shake Petes hand before the end of the year. Idid it!!! Next year my ambition will be to have my photo taken with him as I didn't get it this time.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Disco and Basement Jam
A late start to the day, we finally got up at 1100 as we did a Disco last night. By the time we packed the gear away it was 0130 and we chilled out 'til 0245. It was a strange gig as no one appeared to want to dance until we played a request for The Music Man by Black Lace and then the dancefloor was full and it was 'cheese' for an hour. It's hard work setting up and for a four and a half hour gig which last night we started at 1630 picking the van up and finished at 0130. Nine hours work. Seriously need to look at the finances of running this 'hobby' as it is costing us money, but that's a decision for the New Year. Basement Jam tonight and we're really looking forward to meeting all the Bloggers and seeing Mikey, Rachel, Pete, Simon and Foy again. Got to get ready now. Will post later after the BJ.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Monday, November 28, 2005
A Lovely View

As many Bloggers are posting nice views, I thought I would join in by posting this one taken on Sunday of the view from Richmond Hill. This is probably the best view in London. The photo looks better enlarged. About fifty yards from where the photo was taken live a very famous couple. She is an excellent singer songwriter and Blogger. He is a singer songwriter rock superstar. My ears are still ringing from The Vibrants gig on Saturday.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
A Vibrant Weekend

Well, what can I say about The Vibrants at The Halfmoon on Saturday night. F***ing brilliant springs to mind. They are one excellent band. Full of energy and fascinating to watch. You must see them. I could go on and on but they are just so good. For me Sam stole the show (not just because I met him after their set) his guitar playing is second to none. He has a lot of attitude on stage and plays his guitar aggressively as well as singing backing vocals. Must not forget to mention the singer (don't know his name) who is also very good and works hard. Add the other three members of the band and you have one tight group. We stayed at The Richmond Hill Hotel for the night which just happens to be right opposite PTs and RFs house. Took a really nice photo of the house which I may post later in the week. Anyway, my ears are still ringing from the gig as we stood at the front. Don't forget to see The Vibrants!!!! www.thevibrants.com
The bottom photo is of Sam and myself after the gig. Sam is on the left. Thanks to Sam for taking the time to chat and for his patience with the photo. He knows what I mean. I must remember to keep my head down when having my photo taken. I've more chins than China.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Sore Fingers
I've been practising two chords C and G. Have not quite got it right but it's coming on slowly. Still get the odd string not sounding completely clear. I'll get there in the end. My fingers are sore but it will be worth it. A message to a former Blogger, my door is open, is yours?
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
My Guitar
In The Attic
The last episode in the current series of In The Attic tomorrow. I've really enjoyed all of them and it has been very entertaining. So thanks to Rachel, Mikey, Pete and Simon plus all the guests for giving me so much enjoyment.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
The Weekend So Far

The weekend so far has been excellent. Went to see Zero Stars on Friday evening. It was only their second gig but they were very good. Will see them again when they next gig. The photo of them was taken on my mobile phone, so once again not very good quality. The other photo is of two boys busking in Brighton. They were playing The Kinks number 'Sunny Afternoon'. The guitarist wants to get enough money to buy an amp. He is only nine. A star in the making! Highlight of the weekend was a chat with Molly (BallerinaGurl) on the phone. What a lovely lady!!! You rock Molly!!
Thursday, November 17, 2005
In The Attic
On tonights In The Attic, Rachel mentioned that she would have a Blogger on the show next week to be interviewed. Well, I've put my name forward and fingers crossed. Tonights show was great, as usual, Mikey, Simon, Pete and Rachel. Marvellous!! Chatted with the lovely crowd in Mollys (BallerinaGurl) chat room. Last ITA next week, apart from the Christmas special. The weeks will not be the same.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
A Feeling
I feel like someone from my past has stopped watching me. Nothing specific, just this feeling of not being watched. Anyway, apart from that nothing much to report. Busy at work with interviews to do tomorrow. I need two additional staff and have to interview nine people to get the two. Been out to see friends tonight so not much time to look around Blogland. Sorry Bloggers.
Monday, November 14, 2005
He calls for you, You call for me,
You cried 'cos you wanted to see me,
And it's OK for a short while,
We're all happy, we all smile,
Then a change of heart takes place,
You cried 'cos you wanted to see me,
And it's OK for a short while,
We're all happy, we all smile,
Then a change of heart takes place,
Sunday, November 13, 2005
A Busy Weekend

Well that was a busy weekend. Saw The Calm Friday evening, Angst Saturday and today, just as I drove into our local shopping mall, got a call asking if I wanted to see Zero Stars rehearsing for their gig next Friday. So off I went to see them. They play rebel rock and are very good, although the rehearsal room was very boomy. Will see them when they play Friday. The venue for Angst was not ideal. Lots of bikers from around Kent and it made very interesting people watching. My lights etc. were well received and we arrived back at 0200 this morning, so I am a little tired. Jill has just got back from a weekend in Somerset visiting her son and Daisy, her Grandaughter, who had her second birthday on Saturday. The bikers get touchy about cameras in their clubhouse so I sneaked this photo of Angst on my mobile phone, hence the poor quality.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
The Weekend Again!!!

How much quicker can the weeks flash by? Saw The Calm again last night. First half was mediocre but they came alive after a break. Took lots of photos, but wanted to capture the atmosphere so did not use flash. The result is lots of fuzzy photos. Posted the best one of the bunch. That's the problem with digital, it seems to take so long for the camera to process the info. Off with Angst tonight to a bikers do in Folkstone. Providing the lights, smoke, laser and strobe (for free) may get asked to sing which will be good.
Sunday, November 06, 2005

The only fireworks we saw were what The Tar Babies produced. They play sixties songs such as Kinks, Small Faces, Beatles etc.. They were the best I've seen them tonight. Anyway, here is there website address which is very sixties and psychedelic looking. www.tarbabies.co.uk Next weekend is already looking very rocking with two nights of bands to see. When is Mikey going to do another live gig I wonder?
Saturday, November 05, 2005
My Little Roller Skate
Friday, November 04, 2005
My Car
For all of you that are waiting for a photo of my new car, I will post one tomorrow (Saturday).
Friday, October 28, 2005
A Sad Day

I'm sad today as I am changing my car tomorrow (Saturday). I have had it for just over three and a half years and have travelled seventy thousand miles in it. I have had lots of fun in it and will miss it terribly, but have to save money. So I am downsizing and getting something less flash and cheaper. This is a photo of it outside my office taken Friday 28 Oct..
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Really tired today and p****d off but don't know why. Had a quick look round Blogland, posted on a few blogs and now time for bed. Up early in the morning, driving to Stansted for a meeting. Nighty Nighty. (Pyjamas, Pyjamas)
Monday, October 24, 2005
Stop Swearing
I do not swear that much, just the 'F' word. But some days I just have a bad day and every other word is the 'F' word. So I am not swearing at all until Friday at 2200 hours. Only broken the pledge twice today. Apart from that a normal day at work. Loads of problems. Looking forward to the weekend already.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Last Night
I was a little disappointed with The Calm last night. They didn't have their sound right. The female singer could not be heard that well at times. They had all their following with them who get the atmosphere going. It just didn't work for me. Should have seen Juicy Lucy who were playing five minutes walk away from where I was. Went shopping today in Crawley. Wasn't in the mood to buy anything, so bought some toiletries and that was it. Work tomorrow. Yuk!!
Saturday, October 22, 2005
I Have Got To Get Myself A Guitar
I have tried twice during my life to play guitar but got no where. I am determined to but one and persevere. I need to be up there playing. I've a few things that I must do up to the end of this year but next year I'm buying a guitar and learning. I don't expect to be great but I want to be good. Off to see a band tonight while Jill is out with friends. The trouble is I watch all these amazing people playing guitars (Tuesday night didn't help) and I just want to pick one up and play. If only it was that easy.
Friday, October 21, 2005
Rain, Rain, Rain.
Blooming weather. Has rained most of the day. Sorted out my car insurance for my new car today, so I am all set with my personalised number plate to go on it. Pick the car up on the 29 of this month. Now, decisions on the weekend. Karaoke tonight, maybe, but I'm very tired, so maybe not. Plan to see The Calm tomorrow night and if they are not too good will catch Juicy Lucy again as they are playing in Crawley for the second week running. Then on Sunday we may go to Petticoat Lane with my bruv and Roxy. Must see my poor old Mum this weekend. She doesn't know it's me as she has a condition similar to Alzheimers. Jill is cutting the longer bits of my hair, not that it is long as I give it a number three at the sides and number four on the remainder. Well that's it . Have a good weekend to everyone, especially Shaun and Lisa with their new baby.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
What a Night!!

Well I'm knackered after a days work, but it was well worth it. The Bedford gig
was excellent. Just finished watching In The Attic. Another excellent, fascinating show. Mikey gave Jill and me a mention which was really good of him. Rene and Mikey are so so nice. Anyway a couple more
photos for you and there is couple of me on my website. One with Simon T and one with Zak Starkey.
Oh, and contrary to popular belief, if you believed how Matt Kent was described on In The Attic, here is the man himself filming the event. Matt filmed the event and clapped the clapperboard extremely well.
The Bedford

Just got back from The Bedford. What a fantastic night. Words can't describe it.
Met Mikey and Rene. A really lovely couple. Had problems with my camera.
Wrong setting to start with and then the battery went and the spares I took were the
wrong ones. Three photos for you. One of Rachel with Mikey,
One of Mikey and Rene, Mikey and me. I'm off to bed
Will post a few more tomorrow.
Monday, October 17, 2005
Excited or What!!
Jill and myself are on the guest list for the Rachel Fuller/Pete Townshend/Mikey Cuthbert gig. I'm like a little kid at the moment. Fifty four and still getting excited like kids do at Christmas. Oh well, can't help it. Leaving work early and driving up in Jills Micra. Funny looking car. But nice.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Juicy Lucy and Brighton
Only caught the last fifty minutes of Juicy Lucy as Jill wanted to have a meal. They were so much better than the last time we saw them. Their drummer does a solo which last night was incredible. Had a chat with Ray Owen who writes their songs and is their singer and has been with the band since the early seventies. He used to hang out with Hendrix in the sixties. Bought their four track CD and felt like a teenager when I asked him to sign the sleeve. A great gig. Went down to Brighton today, that's the second time in a week. We only live about thirty minutes drive from Brighton so we should go down more often. Bought some Storm jewellery and a jumper to wear at the RF/PT/MC gig.
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Juicy Lucy
Off to see a band called Juicy Lucy tonight. They had a hit in the early seventies.
They have the same singer who is very good. Caught the end of their set
three months ago, so it will be nice to see all of their performance.
They have the same singer who is very good. Caught the end of their set
three months ago, so it will be nice to see all of their performance.
Cheeky Girls
I spend so much time Bogging. Not that I post on other bloggers blogs that much, i just like looking and reading. Just how some of the Bloggers find so much to write about and the time to write amazes me. Rachel F posts her guest list tomorrow and I have everything crossed. Today will consist of a walk round the shops and deciding what to do tonight. Blog on.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
A Quiet Evening
My brother and his wife Roxy came round this evening. He's good company and Roxy makes us laugh. Watched Eastenders and Rogue Traders. Showed my brother the world of blogging and he was quite interested. One more day at work and another quiet weekend coming up. Must find something to do as we cannot have another Friday and Saturday night watching the telly. Thinking about buying a peronalised number plate tomorrow. I'll post on here what it is, if I buy it.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Jills at the Hairdressers
Yes, she is having her hair coloured. So I am Blogging. Posted at Mikeys site and Renes. They seem a nice happy couple. I often wonder if I am too old to do this Blogging lark. I'm fifty four but everyone says that I am good for my age (thanks to Superdrug vitamin E cream which I have used for the past twenty odd years) and also my theory that if you put on a couple of kilos a year it fills out the wrinkles.The problem is I will be massive if I live to my nineties. I only feel like I'm twenty three. I run a Disco/Karaoke as a hobby, sing with bands and watch live music whenever I can. Am I too old? I don't think so and I'm never going to think old either!!!
Monday, October 10, 2005
A Day Off!!
A day off, well sort of. Spent about 45 minutes on the phone during the day to work and popped in this morning. Went down to Brighton and had a walk round the shops. The North Lanes are good, lots of different independent shops. Spent lots of money in the Storm shop buying a neck chain and bracelet for myself and a bracelet for Jill. Also bought a book on the making of Tommy and a photo of Pete Townshend doing a jump with his guitar. Must buy the Matt Kent/Andy Neil book on The Who. Looked round the guitar shop as well. I will have one more go at learning, so will buy one in the next six months. Lovely weather today, nearly too hot. Work tomorrow, yuk!!
Sunday, October 09, 2005
A Busy Day
Cut the grass this morning and cleaned some other bits and pieces up in the garden.
Went and bought a couple of Goldfish, Bob and Pop. My brother Neil and Roxy came round
after a weekend in London. Down to Brighton tomorrow as I have the day off . Lovely.
Went and bought a couple of Goldfish, Bob and Pop. My brother Neil and Roxy came round
after a weekend in London. Down to Brighton tomorrow as I have the day off . Lovely.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
A New Car
Going to see about a new car today. My current one has done sixty eight thousand miles in three and a half years and it is time for a change. Looks like it will be a day of jobs tomorrow. Yuk!! I want to do something tonight but Jill is feeling under the weather so we may just stay in.
Friday, October 07, 2005
A Boring Weekend
Looks like this will be a really boring weekend. We are moving in a few weeks and we have to tidy up and get things in some sort of shape. No rock bands this weekend. Must take the three mike stands round to Angst. I seem to have got them from the last gig. Everyone is stating to talk about Christmas now. Bah humbug!!
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Naming Ceremony
After rushing round Sussex yesterday, which took in Newhaven, Brighton (lots of VW campers down there for a rally) Hove and back to Brighton again, we went to the naming ceremony in the evening, which was an experience. About forty to fifty African women in traditional costume dancing away to African music and drums. A lovely experience.
Been on the phone to work several times this morning. Problems, problems. Off to see my poor old Mum this afternoon. She has a condition similar to Alzheimers and I'm not sure if she knows whether I'm there or not. Make the most of life as you never know how you'll end up.
Been on the phone to work several times this morning. Problems, problems. Off to see my poor old Mum this afternoon. She has a condition similar to Alzheimers and I'm not sure if she knows whether I'm there or not. Make the most of life as you never know how you'll end up.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Went to Stansted today, which is about a 75 minute drive if the traffic is OK. Don't know what we are doing for the weekend apart from a naming ceremony on Saturday. My Brother (Daddy T) is married to Roxy who is a Gambian. Instead of a Christening Gambians have a naming ceremony and all of the women wear traditional dress. I will be the first one we have been to, so I am looking forward to it. Work is crap as always.
Monday, September 26, 2005
Sunday, September 25, 2005
The Angst Gig
What a night!! The band were excellent! My number with them went very well,so everyone said anyway. We provided the lights, strobe, laser, smoke etc. Got to bed at 0230 this morning. Up to The Albert Hall to see Pete Townshend and Rachel Fuller tonight. So this weekend we have seen acoustic guitar Friday, Rock Saturday and Poetry Sunday. Very cultural!
Friday, September 23, 2005
Another Weekend
yep, it's here again. And another busy one. Off out tonight with friends in Haywards Heath, Gig tomorrow when I get to sing with Angst and the Poetry Olympics on Sunday to see PT,RF and JH. Band rehearsal went OK yesterday. Hope they liked it, seemed as if they did, can't wait.
Monday, September 19, 2005
A Day Off
Needed today off to catch up on those boring home chores such as paperwork and tidying up. So it isn't really a day off, just a different type of work. Will get a photo up during the week. I must be the oldest Blogger in town at 54. Well not quite. But looking at some of the other Bloggers they are all 30 somethings and less. My brain has not aged since I was 23, just my body (but not that much).
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Bloody Traffic
Got back from Norfolk around 2100. Traffic was awful. I think I'm getting too old driving up and back in 24 hours. It's 350 miles round trip and it's a round of meeting people. Went to Sheringham Social Club and saw a duo called Hot Stuff. The girl singer had a very good voice. What a contrast, Angst playing heavy rock in a bikers pub in Hastings on Friday night and then a middle of the road duo in a small social club in a sleepy Norfolk seaside town on Saturday.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Drove to Hastings last night (Friday) to watch Angst. They played in a bikers pub so lots of headbanging going on. Once again they were excellent. We are doing the disco at their party next week. What a mix of music that will be!! Heavy rock and YMCA! Awful. But I do get to sing with them. Rehearsal's on Thursday. Off to Norfolk later today until tomorrow. Just got the lighting rig up in the garden for a trial put together as I've never used it before. I'm buying a strobe for next week. Should be good during Highway Star! That's all for now.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Half Way Through The Week
Half way through another week. Had another plaster put on my arm as the other one was loose and uncomfortable. Spent from 1200 'til 1800 interviewing for a Duty Manager. Great fun. Not! PLASA last Sunday was good. Bought a few CDs. Dance tracks etc.. A busy weekend ahead. Just been on Rachel Fullers site and some of the anonymous entries are awful. Bastards!!! Leave them alone.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
A Night In
Well, it's a night in tonight watching TV and surfing the web. Up early in the morning to go to PLASA. Going with Daddy T (my Brother) and Roxy (his wife) and Laura (his daughter) the girls are going shopping in Oxford Street while we are at the exhibition. Jill is staying at home. Have got crispy duck and some snacks for our meal this evening.
Saturday is drifting by. Had a lazy morning watching MTV and surfing the web. Went for an Indian meal last night, watched a film and got into bed at 0145. Going to Arundel, Sussex later as Jill has some antique dresses she wants to sell. well, they are not antique they are vintage circ 1930s/1940s. Tonight? Don't know yet.
Friday, September 09, 2005
Have not posted for a few days as not much to tell. Just work, TV and internet. Anyway the weekend is nearly here. Off to PLASA at Earls court on Sunday. PLASA is a sound and light exhibition with lots of 'stuff' for DJs, theatres, concerts etc. Did have a gig on Saturday but it got cancelled. Cannot wait to sing with Angst on 24 Sept. May Karaoke tomorrow night and give Pinball Wizard/Run to the Hills an airing.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
The Weekend
The weekend flashed by. The gig was crap. Thirty five people in a large hall. Fifteen of them over sixty five. We didn't stand a chance. Other than that, visitors on Sunday and then back to work today. Life is boring!! Must go as I have to download some Rachel Fuller tracks.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Gig Tonight
Went to see Angst last night. The were blistering as usual although the venue could have been better.
Doing a gig tonight in Sussex, my Brothers going to help me set up due to the plaster on my arm making me a bit of an invalid. Well must get on as I have to get everything ready.
Doing a gig tonight in Sussex, my Brothers going to help me set up due to the plaster on my arm making me a bit of an invalid. Well must get on as I have to get everything ready.
Friday, September 02, 2005
Friday Night
Over the last few months I look forward to Friday nights. It makes the weekend so much longer. A busy weekend it will be. Seeing Angst tonight, a gig tomorrow night (just Disco no Karaoke) then visitors for the day Sunday. Jill thinks that I am sad writing a Blog. Maybe I think I'm sad as well. Oh well it is fun looking at other peoples, especially Rachel Fullers although it is getting a little bit girly.
Car Hunting
So Jill wants to change her car. We go looking this evening and pop in for a meal in a very busy restaurant.
I can see us looking for a few days now. I'm getting used to my arm in plaster. Drove to Heathrow for a meeting and our Turkish customer decided to stay at Heathrow which saved me entertaining him this evening. Time for bed I think.
I can see us looking for a few days now. I'm getting used to my arm in plaster. Drove to Heathrow for a meeting and our Turkish customer decided to stay at Heathrow which saved me entertaining him this evening. Time for bed I think.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
My Arm and Singing
Well my arm is now in plaster for four weeks. Great!!! Having a quiet night in tonight as off to Heathrow tomorrow for meeting and then back to Gatwick. May have to entertain one of our Turkish customers tomorrow night. More food! Looking forward to seeing Angst on Friday night. Will they ask me to sing with them? Will take my microphone and lead down just in case. I'm singing with them at their party later in September, but they may give me a go Friday. Fingers crossed.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Well another day at work out the way and then I went out tonight to meet up with some friends.
Off to the fracture clinic tomorrow to get my hand seen to. Still no comments for me.
Off to the fracture clinic tomorrow to get my hand seen to. Still no comments for me.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
I forgot to mention that my friends and I are practising for something we are doing in a coulple of weeks, a performance of a kind.
Down the Pub
Went down the local pub for lunch. Wanted to order dessert after the main course and they said it wouuld be forty five minutes so went without and I lovemy desserts. in fact I would rather have three desserts for a three course meal. Bit pissed off as I have not had any comments and I've been writing for a few days now. Watching TV tonight as Roger Daltrey is appearing in a programme about Nelson.
Monday, August 29, 2005
A Day of Admin
Got up late and going to spend the day doing all of those boring paperwork and tidying up jobs.
A Busy Day
Well that was a busy day. Saw my Brother in Hove and as my thumb was still hurting I popped into casualty. The result, a possible broken Scathoid bone which is at the end of the thumb near the wrist. Have to go to visit the fracture clinic on Wednesday. So I'm indoors watching tv, Blow with Johnny Depp, as I type this. Will have a chill out day tomorrow as the next few weekends are busy, busy, busy.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Railroad Steel
After much deliberation, went to see Railroad Steel, a Blues/Rock band. Quite good. Tend to lack stage presence. Singer and drummer give it 100%. Audience were just getting into it when we left. I've hurt my thumb. Don't know how, but it hurts. Off to see Daddy T (my brother) doing his lunchtime gig in Hove.
He does a DJ Reggae set. So it looks like a Jamaican lunch is on the cards. May give my rendition of 'Run To The Hills' a public airing tonight if we can find a decent Karaoke venue. (I know it's sad).
He does a DJ Reggae set. So it looks like a Jamaican lunch is on the cards. May give my rendition of 'Run To The Hills' a public airing tonight if we can find a decent Karaoke venue. (I know it's sad).
Saturday, August 27, 2005
What Band Do I See Tonight
Who do I see tonight? Redfish and their heavy metal or something quieter. Will watch X Factor on TV then decide.
Not Good
A bit of a disaster tonight. Went to the venue to see the band and the venue had no bands on despite the local rag saying they were. Went for an Italian meal. Bumped into Mick and the members of Angst. Angst are the best band in Sussex. Had a chat with them. Singing the Iron Maiden number 'Run to the Hills' with them in September. Watching TV now. Will have to see a band tomorrow night.
Friday, August 26, 2005
The Weekend's Here
That's work out of the way for three days. Well sort of, I'll have to phone in each day to see how things are going. Off to see a local band tonight called The Calm. Saw them last week and they show promise. Other than that, no plans for the remainder.
This is my first posting so welcome. Today has been another stressful day workwise. I am responsible for around 135 staff so never a dull moment. Spent most of the evening on the net and setting this blog up.
Will spend the rest of the evening watching TV.
Will spend the rest of the evening watching TV.
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