Monday, October 17, 2005

Excited or What!!

Jill and myself are on the guest list for the Rachel Fuller/Pete Townshend/Mikey Cuthbert gig. I'm like a little kid at the moment. Fifty four and still getting excited like kids do at Christmas. Oh well, can't help it. Leaving work early and driving up in Jills Micra. Funny looking car. But nice.


Kid Ric said...

Hi Mark,

Bet you are as excited as a kid in a candy store. I would be. Have a wonderful time at the show.

Kid Ric said...

Hey Mark,

Yup 53 years young. Us old heads need to stick together. Have a ball and please fill me in on the details. Please give my regards to Pete and Rachel. They probably won't know who the hell you are talking about. I just started blogging them this week. Thanks.