Friday, October 21, 2005

Too Tired

Boring old fart tonight. Iwas really tired so stayed in. Watching TV. Boring.


jillytee said...

No you're not you're asleep!!

Kid Ric said...

Hi Mark,

Yea, rainy and gloomy and chilly here. Staying in for the night myself. I would like to invite you yours to come out and enjoy my good friend Beverly Shideler's showing of her architectural ceramic sculpture samples at Plumpton Green Village Hall on November 3rd from 7:30 p.m. till 9:30 p.m. She is really a fine American sculptor and it is a show worth seeing for sure. A free glass of wine for all and admission is free. Can't beat it. I have a link to her web site and the flier for her show on my blog. Peace.